Sell wisely

Feel good about saying goodbye to your home

Don't let doubt in the door

Is my listing in front of the right eyes?

What if I accept an offer today and miss out on a better one tomorrow?

Can I trust my buyer to follow through?

Any real-estate transaction has some level of ups and downs, anxiety, and second-guessing. After all, the stakes are significant: finances, your next home, or the dreams you have for your family.


List with confidence

Take advantage of a career grounded in attention to detail, legal experience and contract negotiation. You’ll have:

Step into a happy ending


Fill out this form here so we can connect. I’ll listen to your goals and take time to understand your home’s potential and its market value. If there’s a home purchase on the other side of this transaction, we’ll plan the right moves to get you the home you want.

Set the stage

I know East Texas, I know pricing, and I know creativity. Your home will be seen by the right people in the right light, showcased with all the attention it deserves. You’ll never wonder what’s on your to-do list or what’s coming next.


We navigated through the selling process with clear vision, creativity and a sound plan. You closed with confidence, said goodbye to a home, and are poised to begin your next chapter. Soak it all in.